3 Conditions That Can Cause Heel Pain

Posted on: 6 December 2016

Are you having a difficult time pinpointing why your heel is in so much pain? If the pain is getting severe to the point of your not being able to comfortably wear shoes, it is time for you to visit a podiatrist to get properly diagnosed. You will find that there are actually numerous medical conditions that can cause you to experience heel pain. This article covers a portion of the conditions that might be responsible for your pain.
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Why Do Your Feet Always Feel Hot?

Posted on: 2 December 2016

When it's 90 degrees outside, and you're wearing boots or sneakers, and your feet feel hot, that's one thing. When it's 65 degrees in your house, and you're lounging around in socks, and your feet are still hot and perhaps sweaty—that's quite another thing. Perpetually hot feet can be a sign of a number of medical conditions, including the following. Nerve Damage One likely explanation is that the nerves in your feet have become damaged.
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Help With Plantar Fasciitis

Posted on: 30 November 2016

If you have plantar fasciitis, then you are more than familiar with the enormous amount of heel pain it can bring you. Your feet can hurt in the arches and all the way down to the heels. Depending on how severe your symptoms are, the pain can even radiate to other areas of your feet. The best way to live with this condition is to make sure you do all you can to prevent the pain, and know exactly what to do to get relief when it shows up.
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Winter: A Potentially Problematic Time For Your Feet

Posted on: 29 November 2016

With winter weather at hand, it helps to be aware of the numerous conditions of the feet that can occur during the colder months of the year. Being able to recognize the symptoms of common foot conditions related to cold weather can lead to prompt treatment, which helps prevent more serious foot problems from occurring. Raynaud's Disease Raynaud's disease is a condition that causes cold fingers and toes when you're exposed to very cold temperatures or emotional stress.
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